Emu's Room - 3 year old Kindergarten
Our 3 year old kindergarten classroom is for children who are ages 3 to 4 year’s. We have a large kindergarten room that is room is a warm and inviting learning space for children to grow their intellectual brain.
The educational program runs on a timetable with specialised STEAM educational sessions that run in the morning and afternoon. Our STEAM educational program focuses on a range of activities lead by the Kindergarten Teacher. With a focus on Science, Technology, Engineering, Art and Maths. On top of this we focus on early literacy to help the children prepare for school. Children are supported and guided through a range of activities that will challenge and help them become a confident happy little learner. Every child will take a unique path to their learning and development. Our children practice daily yoga classes to teach children breathing techniques to calm their emotions and regulate their behaviour. These are skills children will use throughout their life.
Children are supported and encouraged to grow strong healthy bodies and a love for learning. Every child will take a unique path to their learning and development.
Children have this need to run and be active within nature. Our beautiful outdoor gardens are a great place for young children to explore and grow their inquiring minds. The sand pit is situated in a quiet area in the yard so that young children can travel to different worlds using their imaginations and their intellect. The purposely built traffic school inspires active children to be strong and healthy. The swing area is nestled into the trees that form the perimeter. The monkey bars and climbing equipment has been designed to challenge active children and give them new challenges to develop and master.
Children continue to enjoy singing and learning new songs, playing with musical instruments. Their art work begins to have a purpose, with 3-4 step art projects and painting becomes more detailed across the canvas. The children enjoy experimenting with colours and textures. At this age children begin to draw themselves and their family. They are busy learning and sometimes they find controlling their emotions very hard. They are learning to coordinate their large muscles to climb, run, dig in the sand pit, dance, ride a bike and enjoy the freedom of play. Children will be taken on weekly walking outings in the local community to build up their stamina and enjoy a walk to the park, library or local shops. Children are so busy learning how to connect with their inner self and extend their wellbeing.
Extra curricula activities are at an additional cost: Swimming lessons and pit gym are located within walking distance to our kindergarten. These activities are fun learning experiences for children over 3 years of age.
To comply with DET laws, an educational plan will outline the purpose of the planned excursion, route, time, date and the learning outcomes of the planned excursion. With this a risk minimisation plan and written permission from parents will be completed before any child leaves the service