
2.5 years to 3.5 years

Our Dolphins classroom is for children aged between 2.5 years to 3.5 years old. We provide a play based program with intentional teaching which is structed to promote developmental growth, social interactions, creativity and imagination, language development problem solving, self confidence and enjoyable learning.

Our classroom is a warm and inviting learning space for children to grow and develop. We run our STEAM educational program in the morning and afternoon. This consists of science, technology, engineering, art and maths. Each play room has a familiar and predictable routine that includes active play times, focused learning, quiet times to chill out, meal times, nappy changing, toileting and a sleep routine for some children who still need a sleep.

The children will participate and enjoy activities such as rice & pasta play, slime, clay, play dough, sand and water play. Messy play encourages us to extend and explore science concepts such as floating, sinking, soft, hard, smooth, rough, heavy and light.

Art and craft experiences such as, drawing, painting, pasting and threading, help to extend the children’s imagination and creativity and promote their fine motor and pre writing skills. Children continue to enjoy singing and playing with musical instruments. Their art work begins to have a purpose, long brush strokes are painted across the canvas, and they enjoy experimenting with colours and textures.

At this age children will be learning how to use their language skills to communicate with adults, educators and peers. Friendships are formed with sharing and turn taking while sharing play themes.

Our beautiful outdoor gardens are a great place for young children to explore. The sand pit is situated in a quiet area in the yard so that young children can dig, manipulate and make food with the sand. The area has bikes, prams, painting and climbing equipment to keep our bright children happy and engaged in learning.

At this age children begin to draw themselves and their family. They are busy learning and sometimes they find controlling their emotions very hard. The children are taught breathing techniques with our in house daily yoga classes.

They are learning to ordinate their large muscles to climb, run, dig in the sand pit, dance, ride a bike and enjoy the freedom of play. They will be learning rhyming finger songs which help to stimulate neuron connections in their brain. The play area will be set up to include a home area with dolls, tea set, dress ups and prams. The play area also has a large comfy mat with soft cushions, cupboards that house a variety of different sized wooden blocks, people, cylinder and cars and trucks. The library is situated in a quiet area in the room. From time to time children need quiet areas to withdraw and listen to a story or simply have some time to play.

Children will be taken on weekly walking excursions in the local community to build up their stamina and enjoy a walk to the park, library or local shops. Children are so busy learning how to connect with their inner self and extend their wellbeing.

Weekly gross motor program at pit gym, and swimming in term 4 are added curricular learning experiences paid by the parents.

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Collard's Childcare & Kindergarten - Mill Park